Ysgol Bryngwyn School

Ysgol Glan-y-Môr School Ysgol Glan-y-Môr School

Bilingual Programme - Dosbarth Cymraeg


Daeth addysg Gymraeg a chyfrwng Gymraeg yn gynyddol bwysig yng Nghymru yn dilyn gweledigaeth ein llywodraeth o greu Cymru ddwyieithog, ble gall pobl ddewis byw eu bywydau trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg neu’r Saesneg.

Yma, yn Ysgol Bryngwyn, ceisiwn lwyr ymgorffori’r athroniaeth honno a chynnig y cyfle gorau oll i bobl ifainc ein cymunedau i ddatblygu eu sgiliau dwyieithog i’r eithaf wrth astudio mewn ysgol sydd yn ymfalchïo mewn datblygu potensial llawn pob plentyn.

Ers Medi 2011, buom yn cynnig y cyfle i ddisgyblion ddatblygu eu sgiliau Cymraeg cynhenid trwy ddod yn rhan o ffrwd garlam Gymraeg. Caiff disgyblion y ffrwd honno weld a chlywed mwy o Gymraeg yn ogystal â derbyn eu cyfarwyddiadau a’u dysgu trwy gyfrwng yr iaith neu’n ddwyieithog mewn ambell i bwnc. Bydd pob asesiad a gwaith ysgrifennu trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg, er y bydd dewis yn y gwersi Addysg Grefyddol i gynhyrchu gwaith yn y naill iaith neu’r llall. Rhoddir y cyfle i ddisgyblion ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg bob dydd; bydd tiwtor dosbarth Cymraeg ei iaith yn gofalu amdanynt, a chyflwynir sawl pwnc trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn ogystal â’r Saesneg: ABCh (Addysg bersonol a Chymdeithasol), Hanes, Ymarfer Corff, Dylunio a Thechnoleg, Daearyddiaeth ac Addysg Grefyddol. Bydd yr adran Gymraeg yn gweithio’n agos â’r disgyblion hyn, datbygu eu sgiliau ymhellach Cymrawg.

Yma ym Ysgol Bryngwyn gwelwn hwn yn gyfel gwych i wasanaethu anghenion ein cymuned ac i roi cyflr i'r rhieni a'r disgyblion hynny sy'n dymuno ennill cymhwyster Cymraeg iath gyntaf erbyn diwedd Blwddyn 11, tra'n elwa o amgylchedd gofalgar a chynhyrchiol a gynhyrchodd adroddiad arolygu rhagorol yn 2017 a chategoreiddio 'Gwyrdd' yn 2015.

Welsh medium and Welsh language education have become increasingly important in Wales following the Welsh Assembly Government’s vision of creating a bilingual Wales, where people can choose to live their lives through the medium of Welsh or English.

Here at Bryngwyn School we are seeking to fully embrace that philosophy and give the best opportunity we can to youngsters in our community to fully develop their bilingual skills while studying in a school that prides itself on developing the full potential of every child.

Since September 2011 we have been offering pupils the opportunity to fully develop their existing Welsh language skills by entering a Welsh speaking/language stream. Pupils are exposed to more spoken and receive their instructions and teaching in certain subjects through the medium of Welsh; though they still receive all instruction in English as well. All written work and assessments will be through the medium of English, though in RE pupils have the choice of producing their written work in English or Welsh. Pupils are given the opportunity to use Welsh every day; they have a Welsh speaking Form Tutor, and several subjects (30% of the curriculum) are delivered through the Welsh medium; PHSE (Personal, Health and Social Education), History, PE, D&T, Geography and RE. The Welsh department also work closely with these pupils, giving them the opportunity to further develop their Welsh skillset.

Here at Bryngwyn we see this as a fantastic opportunity to serve the needs of our community and to give those parents and pupils who wish, the opportunity to attain first language Welsh qualification by the end of Year 11, while benefiting from a caring and productive environment that produced an excellent inspection report in 2017 and “Green” categorisation in 2015.

Welsh Ambassadors

 Bronwen Lewis



 Morgan Elwy


 Aneurin Karadog and Derek Rees



Diwrnod Shwmae Su'mau Day - Mr URDD


Diwrnod Shwmae 23



Eisteddfod 1.3.24




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