Ysgol Bryngwyn School

Ysgol Glan-y-Môr School Ysgol Glan-y-Môr School

Health & Wellbeing - Support Services


Current Projects include; Food Resilience Project, Life Skills Project, Feeding Futures, 1 st Impressions (Support with training, gaining employment etc). Life skills like: confidence, resilience, decision making, upskilling, upcycling and DIY, money management, domestic skills and management as well as personal management and interpersonal skills. The Stebonheath Centre, Stebonheath Terrace, Llanelli, SA15 1NE 01554 779910 info@cbsa.org.uk Our Services | The Centre for Building Social Action (cbsa.org.uk)

Action for Children Family & Community Team

Action for Children gives children, young people and families the chance to fulfil their potential and to make the most of their lives. Through Families First in Carmarthenshire, Action for Children provide a range of parenting programmes that offer practical tools, skills and information to help parents with children or young people aged 0-19. Address 24 Station Road, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire Tel; 01554 745150 Action for Children - Carmarthenshire Family Information Service (gov.wales)

Home Start

Family support charity in the UK. Parent volunteers offer support and friendship to other parents through home visiting, via a family and specialist groups and through social events. Tel; 0800 068 63 68 E-mail; info@home-start.org.uk

Chat Health 07507327126

Chat Health launches in three counties - Hywel Dda University Health Board (nhs.wales) If you’re 11-19 and have concerns, text the young person’s Chat Health help line and get confidential support from your Iechyd Da and school nurses. If you have concerns over the following: • Emotional health and wellbeing anxiety, anger, low mood and panic attacks • Relationships • Bullying and cyber bullying • Self-harm • Healthy eating • Alcohol, smoking and drugs • Anything else that involves your health


Cerebra is a unique charity set up to help improve the lives of children with brain related conditions through research, education and directly supporting the children and their carers www.cerebra.org.uk

Young Minds

Offering advice and support regarding concerns with behaviour, emotional wellbeing and mental health Tel: 0808 8025544 www.youngminds.org.uk

Actif Community

Actif Community Mental Health Walk, Talk and Run Group Canolfan Hamdden Caerfyrddin Carmarthen Leisure Centre Dydd Mawrth a Dydd Iau/ Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00-11:00 Walk, Talk and Run – Actif https://www.actif.wales/

Carmarthenshire People First

Carmarthenshire People First is an independent charity promoting independent advocacy, support and training for adults with learning disabilities, based in Carmarthenshire. We run several peer support groups, covering topics and subjects such as Peer Advocacy, Independent Living, Money Matters, Health and Well-being and Cookery. Also run Walk and Talk Groups. April 2022 To access the service you need to be: -an adult with a Learning Disability -currently living in Carmarthenshire info@carmarthenshirepeoplefirst.co.uk 01267 234635

Iechyd Da- Youth Health Team

The Iechyd Da Youth Health Team work with young people to help maintain health and wellbeing. You can access this service if you are: • a young person living in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion or Pembrokeshire • between 11 to 25 years of age • not in compulsory education Telephone: 01554 748085 Iechyd Da:Youth Health Tam, Coleg Sir Gar, Pibwrlwyd Campus, Carmarthen, SA31 1NH


Llanelli MIND Youth Befriending Service for 16-18 year olds. If you are feeling isolated or lonely one of our incredible volunteer befrienders is here to help. We provide the opportunity to share any problems and put an end to social isolation. For more information please phone 01554 776306 or email befriending@llanellimind.org.uk

Team Around the Family (TAF)

If you are worried about your child, have parenting stress or have difficulties in accessing services in Carmarthenshire, the TAF approach can pull the right people together to help you. TOGETHER, we will look at ways to help you as a family to develop your strengths and overcome other areas where you may benefit from some extra support. Tel; 01267 246555 Family information service Team Around the Family April 2022 Family Support, Children & Education Building 2 Parc Dewi Sant Jobswell Road Carmarthen, SA31 3HB E-mail; TAF@carmarthenshire.gov.uk



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CYCA is a registered children's charity that operates throughout the County of Carmarthenshire and beyond.

In existence since 1980, we specialise in providing emotional health and well-being support for children, young people and families through a range of projects and services, all with the ultimate aim of improving the lives of people we work with.

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